What Risks Are Associated with Pulling an Abscessed Tooth Without Proper Dental Care?


What Risks Are Associated with Pulling an Abscessed Tooth Without Proper Dental Care?

When faced with a throbbing, painful tooth due to an abscess, the natural inclination might be to seek immediate relief. Some contemplate taking matters into their own hands or asking a friend for help, questioning, “Can a dentist pull an abscessed tooth?” While the pain can be excruciating, attempting to handle an infected tooth extraction without proper dental care can lead to serious complications. In this blog, we will explore the risks associated with pulling an abscessed tooth without professional assistance and why relying on experts like Julian Center for such matters is crucial.

1. Dangers of Pulling an Abscessed Tooth: Incomplete Extraction

Pulling a tooth without the expertise of a dentist can result in an incomplete extraction. When the entire tooth, including its roots, is not removed, it can lead to persistent infection and abscess recurrence. The remaining root fragments can continue to harbor bacteria, exacerbating the problem and causing prolonged pain and discomfort.

2. Risk of Spreading Infection

An abscessed tooth signifies a bacterial infection. Attempting to extract the tooth without proper sterilization and tools can lead to the spread of infection. Bacteria from the abscess can enter the bloodstream, affecting other body parts and potentially causing systemic complications. This can result in severe illness, hospitalization, or even life-threatening conditions in extreme cases.

3. Damage to Surrounding Structures

The process of extracting a tooth requires precision and knowledge of oral anatomy. Without professional training, adjacent teeth, gums, or even jawbone can be damaged. Such damage can lead to additional dental problems, prolonged healing time, and the need for more extensive dental procedures to rectify the issues caused by the amateur extraction attempt.

4. Excessive Bleeding and Pain

Pulling a tooth, especially an abscessed one, can cause significant bleeding. Without the proper techniques and tools to control bleeding, an individual may experience excessive blood loss, leading to a medical emergency. Additionally, uncontrolled pain can result from the rough extraction process, making the experience even more traumatic for the person attempting the extraction.

5. Delayed Professional Treatment

Attempting a DIY extraction can create a false sense of relief, leading individuals to delay seeking professional treatment. However, the underlying infection often persists, and the pain may return with greater intensity. Delaying professional care can spread the infection further, making the treatment more complicated and costly in the long run.

Relying on Experts at Julian Center

In situations involving an abscessed tooth, seeking help from experienced professionals like those at Julian Center is imperative. The emergency dentist near you at Julian Center possess the expertise and tools to perform a safe and complete infected tooth extraction. Their knowledge ensures that the extraction is conducted with minimal pain, reduced risk of complications, and optimal results, providing individuals with the relief they need while safeguarding their oral and general health.


While the pain from an abscessed tooth can be unbearable, attempting a DIY extraction without proper dental care can lead to severe consequences. It’s essential to trust qualified professionals like those at a dentist near you who can provide the necessary expertise and ensure a safe and effective extraction process. Seeking timely professional care relieves the immediate pain and prevents potential complications, safeguarding both oral and overall health.



Julian Center for Comprehensive Dentistry

At Julian Center for Comprehensive Dentistry, we have a seasoned pediatric dentist and general dentist in Ellicott City.